Back on the track. Roman Nasirov is ready to take office
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The Head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Roman Nasirov made a brief statement to the press after preliminary court hearing of his case on Monday, Nov 27 in Kiev.
Mr. Nasirov stated he is ready to proceed with his duties as the Head of the State Fiscal Service as soon as Ukrainian government revokes illegitimate decision, that temporary revoked him from his duties. ‘Today I am holding position of the Head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, hence it is my duty to execute my functions’, – he said.
Mr. Nasirov commented on the account of his suspension from work duties:
‘There was a Cabinet decision based upon the illegal submission from minister of finance. Which is why I am now suspended from my duties as the Head of the State Fiscal Service. I have to respect the Cabinet decision, although I strongly believe that decision was illegitimate. In my opinion it has to be revoked very soon’.
When asked who might have benefited from investigation against him, Mr. Nasirov said:
‘I think we’ll be seeing shortly why the investigating detectives from National Anticorruption Beaureu (NABU) fabricated the case and false evidence. And I’m sure Ukrainian society, human rights advocates, as well as our international partners will follow the case hearing. We’ll see whether anticorruption agency is doing their job or simply busy with their "private" affairs’.